How long are emails saved in Marketo?

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Level 8

Re: How long are emails saved in Marketo?

I don't exclude them from my emails, but I guess I just don't see it as being a surefire/safe way to do something. Ideally if someone is attempting to look at an asset, it should be easy to digest and a PDF I think is a better option. It also gives you the option to accurately track how popular that asset is vs. not knowing. Just personal opinion! 
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How long are emails saved in Marketo?

@Kristen M but I still see nothing about it that isn't safe or surefire.  If it's known to not work in some way, we should file a bug with Marketo, not cast doubt on a feature we actually trust every day.  Also, assuming a PDF is actually saved from that same web page, I don't see how that's easier to digest, or any less ugly; some computers even open PDFs in a separate reader app, which surely isn't easier.

That said, if View as Web Page created PDFs automatically I would probably take advantage of that option for very old emails because they seem more archive-y.