I noticed that I can change the text in my email template, but these changes do not populate in the email itself. Anyone have insight into how to make changes?
Hi Chrissy Lowe,
If you make changes to the email templates and approve them, a draft should be created for any emails currently using that template. Did you already approve the template and check for a new draft of the emails using the template?
Hi Wintha,
I think the problem is that the template was already in an approved state, and when I try to unapprove the template, I get the message that it is used in email and cannot be unapproved.
So I can edit it, but not unapprove and reapprove, if that makes sense.
Yup exactly right Chrissy Lowe, you don't need to first unapprove the template. You can just go ahead and edit the template and then approve the draft version. Hope that helps!
Thank you!! I wasn't approving the draft every time I made a change. Appreciate your help! Wintha Kelati
Just be careful with this. If you completely modify the editable areas, you may lose content in the dependent email. Test it first.