Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

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Level 2

Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

I tested and it is tracking now! Thank you very much.

I have one more question if you are able to help! I have Google Goals set up and our High conversion goal is working now that everything is tracking. It is just set up if someone hits X page and the URL is equal to.

However, our MIL goal is not working. That one is set up if someone hits X page and the URL begins with and I put "/Thank-You-Page-Website" - the full URL is

Do I need to do begins with ? The reason I am doing this is because every thank you page is unique to its program so the part after "Thank-You-Page-Website is different depending on what kind of asset it is and the part after OnePagers or it might be Quick Guide is the title of the asset.

Level 10

Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

Long time I have not tried this. You need ot run a test, I am afraid


Level 2

Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

I was able to figure it out. I was testing it in my Master view which I forgot excludes our company IP address so once I tested it in my Test view it was working.

Thank you so very much for your help!

Level 10

Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

Hi again ALyssa,

please mark the question as answered.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do you track visits on Marketo Landing Pages in Google Analytics?

Your pages are definitely logging to the GA collector, so like Greg says the problem is within your GA dashboard:

