How do you save data being archived every 90 days?

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How do you save data being archived every 90 days?


Has anyone had a problem with lifecycle reporting because of archived data? Our sales process takes at least a year so we need to be able to access that data in order to report for the full cycle. We are considering increasing the number of days before the data archives but have been warned it could slow down our instance so we're looking for another solution.


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do you save data being archived every 90 days?

Make sure to post to ​Products. ​A moderator just moved your post today.

If you have a long lifecycle but not a lot of site traffic, don't worry about stretching the archive period.

It's the combination of a high-traffic instance and an ever-growing database that's the problem.

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Re: How do you save data being archived every 90 days?

Thanks, Sanford Whiteman ,

For clarification, you're saying we should not stretch the archive period? Or that we can do so without it slowing down our instance because we are not a high-traffic instance?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How do you save data being archived every 90 days?

Far as I'm aware the concern is activity database size, not the max age of activity records.  So while you're always theoretically impacting performance by stretching the archive period, the impact only becomes "felt" when the database size passes a certain point (what that absolute point is as far as rows, no one can say!).