I've typed this 3 times and lost it each time, so hopefully it makes sense! And hello MKTO community, sorry I've been MIA. I'm deep in the trenches of our SFDC implementation. We're plugging in a MKTO database that has been stand alone for a year with SFDC full of legacy data from a few CRM systems. As you can imagine, it's been quite a ride.
So... I'm syncing several MKTO Programs with the corresponding SFDC campaign... things like view demo, PPC, etc.
I also have a LARGE number of MKTO programs that have SFDC campaigns but I don't think I want to sync them because I do not want program members syncing just because they are in that MKTO program. Things like email nurture campaigns.
However once someone in a MKTO program like an email nurture program does sync to SFDC for other reasons like filling out a form or a scoring threshold I want to make sure they are tagged with the email nurturing campaign in SFDC.
How do I handle this? Do I sync the email nurture MKTO program with the SFDC campaign and not use any progression statuses? Even if I do that does that actually tag that person to that SFDC once they sync otherwise? Thus far in my testing that is not the case.
How do you guys handle this?