How do you gauge which of your campaigns are most successful?

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How do you gauge which of your campaigns are most successful?

Do you this is in Marketo VS SalesForce?  How do you measure campaign success?  Is there best practices to measure campaign success?
Level 10

Re: How do you gauge which of your campaigns are most successful?

Hi Erin,

For us, ultimately what our CEO and CFO cares about is if we're converting leads to paying customers and upgrading them to the ultimate product which is sponsorship. He tracks those on SFDC. 

For me, I care about which channel or campaign is capturing new leads and converting to a paid customer, renewing and upgrading because I do all of the campaign execution. I track in Marketo and I also look at the SFDC dashboards. So I measure campaign success based on the goal - # of  trial subscription request or #of people who registered to an event or Demo request.  Then when the leads go through the lead nurture, how many converted to a paid customer.  

But my Marketing director tracks in SFDC which campaigns is generating the revenues. 

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Re: How do you gauge which of your campaigns are most successful?

Dang I left a nice message and then got an error on submit!

We use SFDC campaigns to track responses - anyone who's actually completeing a Call to Action.

But I look at Marketo to understand the finer level of detail - what subject line gets open rates, what gets email clicks, what gets form fillouts.

If you use Marketo's Program Statuses, and record the cost in Program Settings, you can really easily do a comparison of campaigns using the Program Analyzer.

Because we started using Marketo because those features were available, we adapted and made our own "system" for tracking the responses in SFDC. But now we're starting to use those features and hoping to get a bigger, and better, picture of what's working and what's not!