How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

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How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

Hi Everyone,


Long time reader, first-time poster. 


I'm storing some custom object values in a custom object and I would like to access this data when creating a static list. When I edit the view of my static list and look for a column to display these values I cannot find them.  How can I create a data table which shows me these values for each user record and manipulate it, either by exporting it or sending the CSV to an email?


Appreciate your reply Marketo community.


Thanks Rad


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

You'd have to use Marketo APIs (Regular/Bulk APIs) to export the custom object records and manipulate/format them in the way you want. You're only able to export the custom object metadata via tha GUI.

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

You can't export custom object records via the smart list (i.e., adding custom object fields to the smart list's view and exporting custom object data isn't possible). All you can do via the smart list is filter people who have custom object records and optionally add the available constraints in the filter. You should use API (linked in my above comment) to export the custom object data out of Marketo.


View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

@Navkirandeora I totally agree with Darshil. What you are writing is simply untrue. Although you can use Custom Objects in your smart list filters to select the relevant people, it is not possible to add Custom Object fields into your view on the People tab. I would strongly suggest you carefully read the question and ensure your answer is both correct and to the point before posting.

Darshil's original answer is correct.

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

You'd have to use Marketo APIs (Regular/Bulk APIs) to export the custom object records and manipulate/format them in the way you want. You're only able to export the custom object metadata via tha GUI.

Level 2

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

⚠️ This message has been edited by a moderator for accuracy. The information provided was incorrect and/or irrelevant to the question.



It's great to have you as a first-time poster! I understand that you want to include custom object values in a static list in Marketo and manipulate the data, either by exporting it or sending it as a CSV file via email. While custom object values may not be directly accessible in the static list view, there are alternative approaches to achieve your goal.

Here's a suggested solution:

  1. Create a Smart List: Instead of a static list, you can create a smart list in Marketo to include the custom object values. Smart lists allow you to define dynamic criteria based on various data attributes, including custom objects.

  2. Define Smart List Filters: Set up filters in the smart list to retrieve the specific user records based on the desired custom object values. You can use the "Data Value Changes" filter or other custom object-related filters to target the appropriate data.

  3. Add Custom Object Columns: Once you have defined the smart list filters, navigate to the smart list view to see the user records that match the criteria. By default, the custom object values may not appear as columns in the view.

  4. Customize the Smart List View: To include the custom object values as columns in the view, you can customize the smart list view settings. Click on the "Edit View" button and select the columns you want to display, including the columns related to your custom object. This will allow you to see the desired data for each user record.

  5. Export or Send CSV via Email: After customizing the smart list view, you can export the data as a CSV file by clicking on the "Export" button. Alternatively, you can use a Marketo feature called "Export to Report" to schedule regular exports and even email the exported CSV file to specific recipients. This way, you can automate the process of exporting and sending the data.

By using a smart list and customizing the view, you can access and display the custom object values for each user record. From there, you can export the data or set up automated exports and email delivery.

It's worth noting that the availability and visibility of custom object data within Marketo may depend on your specific configuration and user permissions. If you encounter any limitations or have further questions, I recommend consulting Marketo's documentation or reaching out to their support team for more detailed assistance.

I hope this helps you achieve your desired outcome!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

You can't export custom object records via the smart list (i.e., adding custom object fields to the smart list's view and exporting custom object data isn't possible). All you can do via the smart list is filter people who have custom object records and optionally add the available constraints in the filter. You should use API (linked in my above comment) to export the custom object data out of Marketo.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: How do I include custom objects values into a static list for export?

@Navkirandeora I totally agree with Darshil. What you are writing is simply untrue. Although you can use Custom Objects in your smart list filters to select the relevant people, it is not possible to add Custom Object fields into your view on the People tab. I would strongly suggest you carefully read the question and ensure your answer is both correct and to the point before posting.

Darshil's original answer is correct.