Re: How do I get the list of LeadLists using the Marketo API?

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How do I get the list of LeadLists using the Marketo API?

Hi there, 

I am trying to get a list of leadlists that are in my Marketo instance. I tried using ParamsDescribeMObject with the objectName set to "LeadList" (I also tried "LeadRecordList")

            Marketo_WS_2_0.ParamsDescribeMObject dmob = new Marketo_WS_2_0.ParamsDescribeMObject();
            dmob.objectName = name;
            Marketo_WS_2_0.SuccessDescribeMObject resp = client.describeMObject(ws_header, dmob);

however, when I do this, I get an error message saying "Bad object name". 

Any ideas on how to do this? 

Please help. 
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Re: How do I get the list of LeadLists using the Marketo API?

MObjects can be LeadRecord, Activity, Opportunity, and OpportunityPersonRole.

Unless I am misunderstanmding your goal there is no method to retrieve lists in use.

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Re: How do I get the list of LeadLists using the Marketo API?

MObjects can be LeadRecord, Activity, Opportunity, and OpportunityPersonRole.

Unless I am misunderstanmding your goal there is no method to retrieve lists in use.

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Re: How do I get the list of LeadLists using the Marketo API?

Yeah, you're right. But it's possible to get the lead list and the leads in the list if we know the leadlist's name. I guess that's fine for now.

Thank you.