How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

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How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

We have a welcome email that goes out upon account creation. We have a field for every lead that contains the email address of an assigned salesperson. 

We'd like the email to appear to come from a general email like welcome@, but for replies to go to the salesperson.

You might think you could use a token in the reply-to field to accomplish this, which is what I thought...until I learned through much trial and tribulation that this only works for batch campaigns, *not* triggered campaigns. So instead, all the emails were replying to the general email.

To add even more weirdness to the mix, the token *does* work if you use it in the *from* field, not the reply-to field. But we wanted the email to look like it was coming from a general email, not a salesperson.

Ideas, anyone?
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Re: How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

Amelia, that's good to know.  If that is the way it works, it may be a bug and you should probably open a case with tech support.

A possible work around in the mean time would be if you don't have very many salespersons, you could create separate welcome emails for each salesperson and hard code their email address in the reply-to field.  Then your smart campaign's Send Email flow action would have a series of choices based on the lead owner and would send the appropriate version of the welcome email.
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Re: How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

It is a bug and support is aware of it, but don't have it slotted to be fixed for another couple months.  Here's a quote from my support ticket:

After speaking to Product Management about this (I was trying to see how we can get this supported), they told me that in about two to three months, we will have the ability to use token in the Reply-to field within a trigger campaign. I wish it was sooner for us! 

However, we noticed that if you used the same token in the From & Reply To that it worked. So if you are okay with the emails coming from the salesperson, that could be a possible solution until this is fully supported by Marketo.

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Re: How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

Thank you! @Amy Glad I'm not the only one who wants this. If this is an idea anywhere do let me know, would be happy to upvote it, maybe we'll get it launched sooner.
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Re: How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

Elliot, you were right, this was a bug. I followed up with Marketo support and they actually fixed it for me! Amy, perhaps you can try and see if it works for you now, it seems to work for me.
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Re: How can we have reply-to customized per lead for a triggered email campaign?

Another win for Marketo tech support! ;0)