Re: How can I use "View email as Web Page" and have the webpage in different language as the email?

Level 10

Re: How can I use "View email as Web Page" and have the webpage in different language as the email?

Thx Janet

Marketo Employee

Re: How can I use "View email as Web Page" and have the webpage in different language as the email?

I've been toying with the idea of multiligual as well and here's my solution, which i've yet to implement.

In your program, you'll have multiple tokens for each of your languages.  You'll store all of the HTML for that language in a script / hidden DIV block (I don't know if either matters.)

Natively, all DIVs will be hidden. When you click on a URL with a parameter such as language=EN then a block of javascript will set the body-EN div to Visible.   At the top of the page you can have nice little flags for your languages which are linked back to the same page with a new language= parameter. Upon clicking, the page reloads, all DIVs are natively set to style=none and then the parameter is read which unhides that language.

By storing all of the content in tokens, you're making it easy for your native speakers to edit only their portion.

Just a thought.

Robb Barrett