Re: How can I dynamically call an image using a token?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How can I dynamically call an image using a token?

Do you want me to add custom fields under admin or how should I store the data in different lead fields?


The API team wants me "to get them the email with url to profile working from token" how do I give them the URLs. What is the way to store the URL of different profiles in marketo and use them as tokens?

We're going around and around on this.


Just have them write the HTML for the profile (including the link to the image file(s) and any inner text) to a single Textarea field. 


I don't know what you mean by "how do I give them the URLs" -- you might upload the images to Design Studio with a consistent naming pattern like (/avatar_squirrel.png, /avatar_monkey.png), then tell them the basic URL and where to substitute the avatar name (/avatar_{avatar name}.png).