Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

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Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

I created an Unsubscribe page that contains the hidden field "Unsubscribe," where the default value is set to "true." The only problem is that when I fill out the form for one of our proxy leads, Marketo doesn't change the the Lead Info to reflect that the lead has opted-out (The check box remains unchecked.) I have tried using true, TRUE, True, YES, yes, Yes, 1, and 0 with no results. I need a Marketo master to make my mission manageable... I need help, please. Thanks!

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Turn off Prefill on that hidden field.

Marketo should flip the field if the Form sets its to TRUE. You do not need an extra flow.

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Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Is Maketo recognizing the data change? Can you see this on the proxy leads actiivity?

If you're seeing the activity change and revert you may have other issues. 

Build a workflow that says if filled out form X, change data value unsubscribe true. 
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Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Hi Timothy,
Thanks for the speedy reply! Marketo is NOT recognizing the data change, the action is not being displayed in the activity log. I tried using a field that was not hidden and just a regular checkbox and the data did change to "true" in the Activity Log and the Lead Info. We have tested this on different leads and different form implementations. I had already created a smart campaign that changed data value unsubscribe to true, but I was under the impression that Marketo should do this for me automatically if I use the hidden Unsubscribe field. The system doesn't seem to be FAD. Thank you for your time.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Turn off Prefill on that hidden field.

Marketo should flip the field if the Form sets its to TRUE. You do not need an extra flow.
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Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Josh! You're a genius! It worked! Thanks for the good advice and also for that great "Guide to Marketo;" it's very helpful. Tim and Josh, you guys rock!
Level 10

Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

The idea is here:


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

I believe the issue here with this use-case is Marketo considers boolean fields that are unchecked as actually having a FALSE/NO value.  Which is why prefill should be turned off for all hidden boolean fields.

Level 10

Re: Hidden Unsubscribe Field not changing Lead Info

Hi Dan,

Yes, it should. The problem being that it is so easy to ignore it, driving users to forget about it. It is especially painful when you discover after a few months that hundreds of people who have filled out the "unsubscribe" from are still "unsubscribe = false" in the DB...
