Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Level 2

Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Dear @SanfordWhiteman

I have spent many hours sifting through general guidance, hints, and scattered implementation details that you have kindly offered in posts over the past 5 or more years regarding regarding associating imported SFDC leads with existing anonymous leads.  I've now spent many more hours trying to understand and implement the solution for my client.  It's all been slow going since although I have a technical background, Marketo is new territory.  I've tried very hard to figure this out myself, but I'm not quite there, and hoping you would be willing to help me out.

I have created a loopback webhook with the following values:

URL: http://localhost/index.php/leadCapture/save
Payload Template: munchkinId={{lead.Marketo Munchkin}}&FormId=1024&Email={{lead.Email Address}}&returnLPId=-1
Request Token Encoding: Form/Url
Request Type: POST
Response Format: None

{{lead.Marketo Munchkin}} is an imported SFDC field containing the munchkin value from a (non-Marketo) form generated lead.

I've created a webhook monitoring operational campaign that is checking for something other than a 302 response.  I call the webhook from another campaign where I've been testing on individual leads that have a munchkin value in the  {{lead.Marketo Munchkin}} field.  

My main difficulty at the moment, is that I don't know how to check or debug the result of the webhook call.  I'm not seeing associated website activity for the individual record I've tested.  It seems that the webhook call is returning a 302, but beyond that I can't figure out how to determine if the parameters and values I've chosen in the webhook payload are correct.  Is there any way to get more results from the loopback call then whether the response code was 302?

One thing I'm not seeing in any activity log is the name of the form I created, #1024 referenced above.  While I do see activity indicating the webhook is getting called, and the monitoring is getting called.  This is the kind of question a little more system feedback would be helpful with.  I tried enabling a JSON response instead of none, and returning the "success" parameter in the webhook response mapping, but this didn't seem to work.  And I'm afraid this demonstrates where my experience is limited and my understanding is incomplete.  Any help would be appreciated. 

Update: now it seems the webhook is not returning "HTTP Error 302: URL moved temporarily."  I'm quite sure it was returning that earlier in my testing, but won't swear to anything.  In any case, I'm faced with a similar dilemma, how do I determine what code is being returned if it's not 302?

Thank you,
David L Kaplan

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Hi David,


The loopback-webhook-association trick is a bear to troubleshoot, to be sure — the main problem being that Marketo doesn't show you the full request/response if there's a 302, even though 302 is the success response from /save.


But I think the problem in your 'hook is capitalization.


The fields are 

  • munchkinId
  • formid ← look closer at this one!
  • retURL
  • Email
Level 2

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Thanks!  I'll try those adjustments!

Level 2

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

My updated payload: munchkinId={{lead.Marketo Munchkin}}&formid=1024&Email={{lead.Email Address}}&retURL=success

My monitor condition:
Screenshot from 2020-05-26 15-11-53.png


This condition is triggered and I receive the flow action Alert.

See any more mistakes, need to see more of my configuration, or suggestions for next debugging steps?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

You must get a Filled Out Form activity in the lead's Activity Log, if not then it's not fully working.

Level 2

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Only seeing entries like this in the lead activity log.  No Filled Out Form.

Screenshot from 2020-05-27 09-55-02.png


Here's the overview of my form:
Screenshot from 2020-05-27 09-59-43.png

Any clues?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Why don't you temporarily change the URL to


and run someone through. That's a temporary test server and then I can check what's sent out on the wire. Don't worry about the response code (it'll be a 502).

Level 2

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Sure!  Thank you!
Ok, URL in webhook is now: ""
I assumed you didn't want me to append any path there.  Let me know if that was wrong.

And I ran a lead through.   

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Didn't get anything yet... I assume you used Request Campaign?

Level 2

Re: Help with Webhook for Anonymous sync w/ SFDC import

Gulp!  Um...  This would appear to be a step of the process I don't understand.  

I have a campaign set up in which I select a specific user to test on in the smart list.  The flow step calls the webhook.  I go into the Schedule screen on that campaign and "Run Once".   No "Request Campaign" anywhere, and unclear where it would go...

Hoping I'm making a big mistake here that will set everything aright.