I need a solution whereby if someone fills in more than one form and picks a different value for a CAMPUS field it wont overright the existing field it will populate the campus 2 field.
I have 3 fields: Campus, Secondary Campus, Tertiary campus. "Campus" is the field on all of our forms that a user selects from, so if someone fills out a form and in the "campus" field they populate SFO Campus, it will obviously populate that field on MKTO and SFDC as SFO campus. Then lets say the same person fills in a form for NYC campus. The field on the form is the same one, "campus", but because in MKTO that field already has a value of SFO Campus, I dont want it to overwrite that value of SFO I want it to "see" that campus already has a value that is not equal to the campus selected on the second form and so populate the NYC campus value in the secondary campus field, and so on for up to 4 campus fields, checking that there is no values aready in secondary, then tertiary etc. If they fill in a form for one of the same campuses, it should see that even if it is in the secondary or tertiary campus field and not overwrite . Does anyone know if there is a way to do this with the triggers / filters and flow steps in MKTO?