Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

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Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

Hi - We are prepping our email for a newsletter blast tomorrow morning. We've done this a million times, and we are trying to approve the email, but we keep getting this error. We've never seen this before? We do have tokens in the email.

Can anyone provide any insight into this and how to fix it?

Screenshot 2015-10-29 15.39.11.png

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Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

You have a syntax error in your velocity script token I believe

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Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

Hi Jaime,

Thanks for your help. I am not a designer, so would you know where I could find that velocity script error?

Thank you,


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Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

My web developer took a look and what she can tell, velocity scripts are used to make tokens, but the campaign this email is in doesn't seem to have any tokens associated with it

and the error just makes it seem like there is an exclamation mark unexpectedly maybe....but i don't see anything weird in the source code after the question marks.

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Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

This really looks like a velocity script error to me, I would take a second look.

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Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

Sorry, We don't have any tokens in this email, It's all HTML.

Marketo Employee

Re: Help. Error when trying to approve an Email

Do you have any hashtags followed by parentheticals in the email?  like #word(that's a word)