Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

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Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

I need a way to heat or scroll map, or even use time on page for the purposes of scoring leads. Does anyone have any experience in this? Any recommendations? The Launchpoint didn't have any answers.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

While I'm sure you could build an interface between a heatmap service like CrazyEgg and Marketo using one or both service's APIs, I don't think that bridge exists at present.

As for time on page, you could log this using the Munchkin API pretty straightforwardly, but are you talking about only ToP for "interesting pages" or something like averaging across all pages?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

Yeah, this doesn't exist right now.

Why not score on visits to key web pages or other items? It's not really worth the hassle.

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Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

I already have scoring to webpages and certain activities on webpages. A higher up in the company wants heatmap scoring so I'm just trying to figure out a way to do it.

Specifically, he wants to know if someone rolls over certain tagged paragraphs in content, and to have them scored accordingly.

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

I think Christa is trying to avoid the case where a prospect visits a "Key Webpage" but then leaves immediately because it was not what they are after. Currently, there is no way to customize your scoring to only apply if the prospect views your page for more than 10 seconds. To Josh Hill​'s point, most prospects will revisit relevant webpages several times (at least if they are interested). So it is easier right now to pick your top 5 key webpages and add an extra smart campaign that adds additional scoring to prospects that visit these pages more than x times more points.

I do like this idea though because what Christa is trying to avoid is adding irrelevant scoring in the first place to records who didn't really "Visit the Key Webpages", because they bounced after 1 second....

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

It's extremely easy to run Munchkin::viewWebPage after 10 seconds so you can report on those interesting views.

Whether that metric always means what you think it means is up to you...

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Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

I already have scoring to webpages and certain activities on webpages. A higher up in the company wants heatmap scoring so I'm just trying to figure out a way to do it. Thank you for the viewWebPage since I may be able to use that as a work around.

Specifically, he wants to know if someone rolls over certain tagged paragraphs in content, and to have them scored accordingly. So I may need to either build javascript event tags within key pages (ie. I have custom scoring around inferred prospect goals, so if they go over 1 paragraph specifically talking about an inferred goal >1x they will be scored more than one who scrolls over once), or build something with a heatmapping api. I am far from a developer though, so I'm lost as to where to start.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

All the logic you talk about can be done by attaching Munchkin function calls to single or multiple pointer/touch events (mouseenter, mouseout, etc.).

However, you will have to engage a front-end developer to do this. It's technical work that is not part of the canned Marketo offering.

If you want to talk more about this you can hit me up at

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Re: Heatmapping/Time on Page for Scoring

Hi Christa,  I had the same suggestion as Sanford Whiteman​ but he replied first.. I guess I was jsFiddling' around while he was replying.

Here's some code like what he is talking about for scrolling *note the munchkin js is not loaded on the page so it will throw an error until on a 'real page'; for now, the munchkin call is commented out.

Edit fiddle - JSFiddle   (scroll events can be tricky because you may not want it to fire more than once upon scrolling up or down. There's a simple way to deal with this in the example).  You would need some similar scripting for click / mouseover events / video cue points etc.

Another option is to setup an AJAX POST to a server side script that processes the changes to the record based on parameters from the event and other related business logic. 

Yet another option is to just write the data to KISSmetrics or a similar event tracking service through their Javascript/PHP API, then mine this data for automation purposes. 

Hopefully this helps a little bit- whichever option you go with I'd say depends on scope and the reporting you would like in the end.  Ideally, it should be easy to launch and scalable!   If you need help, chat Sanford.   😃