I just logged into Marketo instance today and saw that the API limit on my instance has been increased to 30,000? Can anyone validate this?
I called in support they say that there have been some changes and now there is just one combined limit of 30,000 for both SOAP and REST, and great that I was able to see the usage of both my REST and SOAP calls in the usage report.
Did anybody else noticed this change or is aware of this change?
I did notice the change but I was not aware that it would happen
Yes, this was changed because of an API issue a week or two ago. It may now be a policy.
"New plans" were already getting more than 10K FWIW.
It is unchanged for me. I'll check on other instances.
And unchanged on other instances I have checked, bother enterprise and standard editions.
Perhaps you weren't affected? There was some sort of API update 2 weeks ago that caused the system to hit the 10k limit too early. So they upped it to 30k-40k once they realized this. Perhaps it was by request or on some pods.
Hi guys, can you please tell me where can I view my current API call limit in the marketo instance? I could not locate this in the Admin section..
Thank you,
Hi Noopur,
admin -> integration -> web services
Thank you Gregoire! I can now see my daily limit is still 10k.