if they are 'operational processes' are they in fact triggered, or running on a schedule?
Of course where possible these would be batches, but in some cases triggers are in fact the better choice.
Of course - there are always edge cases. I'm quite keen (on my journey to never stop learning) what kind of edge cases we're talking here.
@Jo_Pitts1 Excellent points!! This instance is old and needs a lot of work but implementing your ideas would certainly clean the instance (and I'm sure would function 110% better!) Definitely will be on my 2022 ToDo list!
I owe you a beer! 🙂
@Jo_Pitts1 Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always looking for new and improved ways of simplifying a global instance.
Are you aware of an example that is available for review ie blog, case study, etc? There are multiple variables taken into consideration for our exact setup (CRM, CMS, reporting, etc.) and I would love a closer look in order to determine its potential.
@Rush ,
I'm not aware of any blogs or case studies.
It is probably better if you expand your use case a little further and see if the community can provide guidance.