Re: Guides vs Grid

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Re: Guides vs Grid

There were some bugs, most of which are fixed now or getting fixed soon.  I will investigate the stickiness.  Also, the lines were supposed to stay where they were and not reset.  We are working on fixing that.

Regarding grid vs. guides.  The guides have snap-to which is the accepted standard of how these things should work. Adobe Photoshop is the best-of-breed on this.  A nice addition would be the ability to add a second horizontal or vertical guide to snap things in a second column.  I'll see how hard that would be to implement.

The problem with the gird was that it didn't allow you to make lines independantly and had technical problems making snap-to.

Whenever we change something, even something small like this, there are some customers who prefered it the old way.  We don't do it often and try not to screw you up.  Unfortunately, in this case, we need to improve forward, not revert backward.  Think of the features to make guides better and vote them up in the ideas section.  Our product team takes these very seriously.
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Re: Guides vs Grid

Is there any resource that can show how these are "supposed" to work? I still can't get a vertical guide to move trying to create consistent padding between objects (like and image and a text box) seems impossible.
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Re: Guides vs Grid

Grids were nice because you were at least able to make sure you spacing between content, deisgn objects (images), and boarders were all equal or realativly the same.
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Re: Guides vs Grid

My guide lines are still stuck on the outside edge of my screen. I can not move them out. 

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Re: Guides vs Grid

Has anyone found a better solution to this, besides holding up a piece of paper to make sure objects are aligned? 
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Re: Guides vs Grid

Nope. And my lines are still STUCK.
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Re: Guides vs Grid

Unfortunately, there were a bunch of bugs.  We believe we fixed them, but they were big enough that we wanted to wait until a release (as opposed to a patch).  It should be fixed in the January release which comes in the middle of the month.

Sorry for all the issues.

Level 10

Re: Guides vs Grid

thanks for the heads-up!