Global Forms

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Global Forms


I read Jeff Shearer's "15 Marketo Protips: Advice you can implement today" and in there he suggests having global forms. How do I build one? I basically need some sort of step-by-step guide, or if you can guide me towards an article, that'd be great.

He also mentions that we can completely tokenize our emails/landing pages. I'm having trouble including the token for the email/LP banners. Could you please show me how to do that too?



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Global Forms

Hi Lian,

When we say "Global", we actually mean a Form or Page or Email that lives in Design Studio and is accessible to all assets. It's good to setup 5 major Forms that people can clone into Programs or reference always. A lot of marketers do not understand the Form details or hidden fields necessary to operate the system. This keeps the Form and data collection consistent.

As for Tokens, Jeff and Adam posted a 2014 and 2015 Token presentation on the Summit, so go look for those for help. Or

If you use a Rich Text token, you could tokenize a banner. But you'd have to have the px size perfect.

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Re: Global Forms

Hi Josh Hill​ - when you say 5 major forms, is there some sort of list of the major forms that people use?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Global Forms

Common ones that we use as central/global forms across multiple programs include:

  • Website contact-us form (embedded on our website)
  • Gated content form (embedded on our website)
  • Event registration forms - these are more difficult to centralize since we need event-specific disclaimers (per our gifts and entertainment policies) and unfortunately, tokens cannot be used to customize these disclaimers within a form)
  • Subscription form for specific content
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Re: Global Forms

This is a great setup.

I'll add 2cents and mention how great having master forms is for future development and upgrades. Being able to easily add hidden fields to a handful of forms is much better than trying to do it to 2000 forms when you get going.

Hidden fields can easily be updated on the fly using simple javascript as well. So you can easily manipulate fields on a per landing page basis with code and not have to edit individual forms hidden fields every time.

Not applicable

Re: Global Forms

Thanks for that.

So if i create a LP template in the Design Studio which incorporates a form, then when i "call-in" that LP into a program in my Marketing Activities, would the form act like an individually cloned form and contain all the values of that program, say if i have two programs running at the same time? or would i still have to clone the Global form into the programs and then link them to the LPs?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Global Forms

The landing page would be local to the program. This way, your smart list within the smart campaign will read: filled out form {global form} constrained to this LP {unique to the program}

Not applicable

Re: Global Forms

Regarding Tokens, I looked in the 2015 Marketo Summit page, do you know the name of the presentation? I also searched Tokens in the community and marketo docs and i'm not getting anything related to tokenising my email/LP banners/images; I read everything under Tokens and related articles...

Can you please send me a link to where i can find this info? I'm not a Marketo pro, I actually need to see how to start things from scratch

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Re: Global Forms

Tokens Overview - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

So..sadly after the new community update, search and finding content is crazy hard and a lot of actually gone or so hidden Marketo can't find it without googling. On the flip side, I do love Marketo docs as it has everything in there from the day to day marketers needs, to advanced API scripting and RTP.
