Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

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Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

I want to create a "First Interesting Moment Desc" field and was planning to block it from updates and to populate it as follows:

Smart List  - Trigger:

Data Value Changes->Last Interesting Moment Desc

Previous Value: NULL


Change Data Value->First Interesting Moment Desc->{{lead.Last Interesting Moment Desc}}

The flow step works but "Last Interesting Moment Desc" is not available as an attribute for the Data Value Changes trigger. Can anyone explain why? I can't find anything about this in Product Docs.

Level 10

Re: Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

Hi Denise,

Use the "has interesting moment" trigger, it will do the job and fire each time an interesting moment is added.

Now, Why would you put this data in a field, since Last Interesting moment is already a Marketo standard field ??


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Re: Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

Hi Greg,

Thank you!

Because I want to capture the FIRST Interesting moment in a field so as to be able to analyze what are commonly people's first significant (non-human) interactions with the company. In other words, I want to capture the first value ever stored in Last Interesting Moment Desc and put it in First Interesting Moment before it gets overwritten. Make sense?

I'd still like to understand why First Interesting Moment Desc can't be used as an attribute for Change Data Value. It's seems like it's one of those (to me annoying) secret Marketo features that I stumble upon from time to time.


Level 10

Re: Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

Hi again Denise Greenberg​,

Yes, you are probably right.

To capture the first interesting moment, combine the "Has Interesting moment trigger" with a "First interesting moment is empty" filter.


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Re: Can't reference the Last Interesting Moment Desc field in Smart List Trigger/Filter

Hi Again,

Yes. And I was planning to block updates to First Interesting moment but the "First Interesting Moment is empty" filter is a good idea, too, so as to save unnecessary failed attempts to update it.
