We were trying POST API call on Lead
. Getting Error {"requestId":"4e00#1790df16e75","result":[{"status":"skipped","reasons":[{"code":"611","message":"System Error"}]}],"success":true} .
Unable to figure out what's wrong in the request payload . Could you please help here ?.
Sharing the request details that we have tried with sample data :
Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json
Leads - https://<mkto.intsce.com>/rest/v1/leads.json
Request Body -
"company": "appcon3k182o",
"site": "appconk35syr",
"billingStreet": "appconrwncuk",
"billingCity": "appconq5sp4e",
"billingState": "appconlalqw7",
"billingCountry": "India",
"billingPostalCode": "appcondup3bn",
"website": "http://www.dvliof.com",
"mainPhone": "8004633339",
"annualRevenue": 89,
"numberOfEmployees": 89,
"industry": "appcon2n74fi",
"sicCode": "appconuulvcm",
"mktoCompanyNotes": "appcong36tv",
"jigsawCompanyId": "appconhbdvl",
"jigsawCompanyStatus": "appconsbtmd",
"id": 89,
"mktoName": "appconv6rp2l",
"personType": "appcon248pm9",
"mktoIsPartner": true,
"isLead": true,
"mktoIsCustomer": true,
"isAnonymous": true,
"salutation": "appconvsd29e",
"firstName": "appconqp4zs",
"middleName": "appcon0k9g",
"lastName": "appconb21f7l",
"email": "sdv@in.ibm.com",
"phone": 89,
"mobilePhone": 89,
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"title": "appconcbiodn",
"contactCompany": 89,
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"rating": "appconmicvst",
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"totalReferredEnrollments": 89,
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"lastReferredEnrollment": "2021-04-26",
"syndicationId": "appcontveofi",
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"acquisitionProgramId": 89,
"mktoAcquisitionDate": "2021-04-26",
"newCustomField": "appconend3bm",
"leadCustomField": "appconlbaiet",
"testCustomField": "appcon2k0vfk",
"testCustomLead": 89,
"opportunityCustomfield": "appconkief3",
"isCustom": true,
"customRevenue": 89,
"customfieldDate": "2021-04-26",
"customfieldDATETIME": "2021-04-26",
"customemailgamilcom": "vqpjkf6@in.ibm.com",
"customSalaryFloat": 89,
"customInterGerDatatype": 89,
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"customScore": 89,
"customFieldwithmorethantwentycharacters": "appcondi9lle",
"customText": "appcon6u9f8",
"customURL": "http://www.tbxkw.com",
"type": 89,
"jan282016": "appconuxd5f",
"chethan": 89,
"hethan": "2021-04-26",
"comment": "appcono2qr6q",
"personTimeZone": "2021-04-26",
"testData": "appconpn2k9o",
"ecids": "appcon6c5j3d",
"april": "appconb50yjm",
"customurl16aprl": "http://www.pzrf.com",
"customemailperson16apr": "mury63xs@in.ibm.com",
"april23custom": 89
Solved! Go to Solution.
In the issue comment we had given the request properties we are passing in request payload.
OK. There was no way to know you were including a partial payload.
Has nothing to do with the payload size.
The cause of your 611 error is that these fields are not updatable (you could have detected this simply by testing a subset of fields):
"leadRevenueCycleModelId": 89,
"leadRevenueStageId": 89,
Hi Team,
In the issue comment we had given the request properties we are passing in request payload.
Sharing the exact request payload below which is working and we are not facing issue with it:
"action": "createOnly",
"input": [
"company": "appcon3k182o",
"site": "appconk35syr",
"billingStreet": "appconrwncuk",
"billingCity": "appconq5sp4e",
"billingState": "appconlalqw7",
"billingCountry": "India",
"billingPostalCode": "appcondup3bn",
"website": "http://www.dvliof.com",
"mainPhone": "8004633339",
"annualRevenue": 89,
"numberOfEmployees": 89,
"industry": "appcon2n74fi",
"sicCode": "appconuulvcm",
"mktoCompanyNotes": "appcong36tv",
"jigsawCompanyId": "appconhbdvl",
"jigsawCompanyStatus": "appconsbtmd",
"mktoName": "appconv6rp2l",
"personType": "appcon248pm9",
"mktoIsPartner": true,
"isLead": true,
"mktoIsCustomer": true,
"isAnonymous": true,
"salutation": "appconvsd29e",
"firstName": "appconqp4zs",
"middleName": "appcon0k9g",
"lastName": "appconb21f7l",
"email": "sdv@in.ibm.com",
"phone": 89,
"mobilePhone": 89,
"fax": 89,
"title": "appconcbiodn",
"contactCompany": 89,
"dateOfBirth": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"address": "appconyyatop",
"city": "appcon73vuw9",
"state": "appconnthazp",
"country": "India",
"postalCode": "appconpqefij",
"originalSourceType": "appconhv9zu",
"originalSourceInfo": "appconbs7yyr",
"registrationSourceType": "appconscq9y9",
"registrationSourceInfo": "appconnjk8f",
"originalSearchEngine": "appconbjg0z6d",
"originalSearchPhrase": "appcon1zkukl",
"originalReferrer": "appconhehj5p",
"emailInvalid": true,
"emailInvalidCause": "sx7uz4vd@in.ibm.com",
"unsubscribed": true,
"unsubscribedReason": "8wduxdic8@in.ibm.com",
"doNotCall": true,
"mktoDoNotCallCause": "appconx88hzg",
"doNotCallReason": "appconrw7bn8",
"marketingSuspended": true,
"marketingSuspendedCause": "appconp65xy4",
"blackListed": true,
"blackListedCause": "appcony6oeu9",
"mktoPersonNotes": "appconiy032s",
"anonymousIP": "appconhyptd",
"inferredCompany": "appconsoyprw",
"inferredCountry": "India",
"inferredCity": "appcond47c9f",
"inferredStateRegion": "appconibfyf8",
"inferredPostalCode": "appcon0av679",
"inferredMetropolitanArea": "appconqpqrlp",
"inferredPhoneAreaCode": "8004633339",
"emailSuspended": true,
"emailSuspendedCause": "k38y15hak@in.ibm.com",
"emailSuspendedAt": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"department": "appcon5e6o2",
"jigsawContactStatus": "appconu0ubfa",
"jigsawContactId": "appcono9ntsf",
"createdAt": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"cookies": "appconhf9qfi",
"leadPerson": 89,
"leadRole": "appcon7nc21w",
"leadSource": "appconvao8xa",
"leadStatus": "appcon06sm2f",
"leadScore": 89,
"urgency": 89,
"priority": 89,
"relativeScore": 89,
"relativeUrgency": 89,
"rating": "appconmicvst",
"personPrimaryLeadInterest": 89,
"leadPartitionId": 89,
"leadRevenueCycleModelId": 89,
"leadRevenueStageId": 89,
"gender": "appconubw7bs",
"facebookDisplayName": "appcon7giafs",
"twitterDisplayName": "appconyj5lo",
"linkedInDisplayName": "appcon4a4rc",
"facebookProfileURL": "http://www.incvpg.com",
"twitterProfileURL": "http://www.sevlcjdef.com",
"linkedInProfileURL": "http://www.vfxnxiwgp.com",
"facebookPhotoURL": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"twitterPhotoURL": "http://www.yzfxkatb.com",
"linkedInPhotoURL": "http://www.ccjnvxob.com",
"facebookReach": 89,
"twitterReach": 89,
"linkedInReach": 89,
"facebookReferredVisits": 89,
"twitterReferredVisits": 89,
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"totalReferredVisits": 89,
"facebookReferredEnrollments": 89,
"twitterReferredEnrollments": 89,
"linkedInReferredEnrollments": 89,
"totalReferredEnrollments": 89,
"lastReferredVisit": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastReferredEnrollment": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"syndicationId": "appcontveofi",
"facebookId": "appcone2w6la",
"twitterId": "appcon0as3s8",
"linkedInId": "appconlmesu",
"acquisitionProgramId": 89,
"mktoAcquisitionDate": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"newCustomField": "appconend3bm",
"leadCustomField": "appconlbaiet",
"testCustomField": "appcon2k0vfk",
"testCustomLead": 89,
"opportunityCustomfield": "appconkief3",
"isCustom": true,
"customRevenue": 89,
"customfieldDate": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"customfieldDATETIME": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"customemailgamilcom": "vqpjkf6@in.ibm.com",
"customSalaryFloat": 89,
"customInterGerDatatype": 89,
"customPhoneNo98series": 89,
"customScore": 89,
"customFieldwithmorethantwentycharacters": "appcondi9lle",
"customText": "appcon6u9f8",
"customURL": "http://www.tbxkw.com",
"type": 89,
"jan282016": "appconuxd5f",
"chethan": 89,
"hethan": "2021-04-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"comment": "appcono2qr6q",
"personTimeZone": "2021-04-26",
"testData": "appconpn2k9o",
"ecids": "appcon6c5j3d",
"april": "appconb50yjm",
"customurl16aprl": "http://www.pzrf.com",
"customemailperson16apr": "mury63xs@in.ibm.com",
"april23custom": 89
Could you please let us know if there is any limit for request payload size?
Thank you.
In the issue comment we had given the request properties we are passing in request payload.
OK. There was no way to know you were including a partial payload.
Has nothing to do with the payload size.
The cause of your 611 error is that these fields are not updatable (you could have detected this simply by testing a subset of fields):
"leadRevenueCycleModelId": 89,
"leadRevenueStageId": 89,
Thank you @SanfordWhiteman for a quick help.
We are using metadata APIs available for objects Leads - /rest/v1/leads/describe.json and opportunities - /rest/v1/opportunities/describe.json.
We get below information about fields leadRevenueCycleModelId and leadRevenueStageId including other number of fields in metadata API for Leads object, it has readOnly:false
from this we were considering that these fields are not read only and can be used in Create and Update operations on Lead object. However, it's not the case, as you confirmed in your earlier reply to our query.
"id": 456,
"displayName": "Lead Revenue Cycle Model ID",
"dataType": "reference",
"rest": {
"name": "leadRevenueCycleModelId",
"readOnly": false
"soap": {
"name": "Lead Revenue Cycle Model ID",
"readOnly": false
"id": 458,
"displayName": "Lead Revenue Stage ID",
"dataType": "reference",
"rest": {
"name": "leadRevenueStageId",
"readOnly": false
"soap": {
"name": "Lead Revenue Stage ID",
"readOnly": false
We need help on Marketo metadata API usage and need more information/confirmation on below queries:
but this is available only in Opportunities
object's metadata API response and not in Lead
metadata APIs response .Campaign
object, we are not able to find metadata API for it.readOnly
and updateable
attributes in Leads
and Opportunities
object's metadata API response. But we found that it's not reliable when we check more on it for e.g consider field Inferred Company
we get below info about it in Lead metadata API response. It says readOnly:true
, however it's not the case and it's a updatable field. Please let us know what can be used to decide if field is updatable or not.
"id": 105,
"displayName": "Inferred Company",
"dataType": "string",
"length": 255,
"rest": {
"name": "inferredCompany",
"readOnly": true
"soap": {
"name": "InferredCompany",
"readOnly": false
Thank you.
1. How can we decide which fields are applicable for different operations (e.g Create, Update, Retrieve, Delete) supported by Marketo object and mandatory fields if any for a particular operation?
There's no central repository for this information. Only ongoing experience with the platform will help.
2. We can not decide which fields are queryable, we got
but this is available only inOpportunities
object's metadata API response and not inLead
metadata APIs response .
You can try the /describe2 endpoint for additional lead field info.
3. Could you please let us know if metadata API is available forCampaign
object, we are not able to find metadata API for it.
It is not. Marketo Smart Campaigns don't have metadata of interest.
4. We can not decide which field are updateable and which is not, we can seereadOnly
attributes inLeads
object's metadata API response. But we found that it's not reliable when we check more on it for e.g consider fieldInferred Company
we get below info about it in Lead metadata API response. It saysreadOnly:true
, however it's not the case and it's a updatable field. Please let us know what can be used to decide if field is updatable or not.
Only testing can tell you — unfortunately, there's no explicit response from the Describe endpoint(s) that has complete & accurate information about updatability. Furthermore, in Field Management, a field can be blocked or unblocked from API updates over time.