Re: getMultipleLeads and Smart Lists

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getMultipleLeads and Smart Lists

Can I get leads from a Smart List using getMultipleLeads or is there another call?  Thanks,

- dmitry
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Re: getMultipleLeads and Smart Lists

getMultipleLeads allows you to get all of the leads that belong to a Static List (not Smart Lists).
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Re: getMultipleLeads and Smart Lists

Thanks Angelo!  Btw - great presentation last week in SF! 🙂 Your enthusiasm for the platform was contagious!

so is there a workaround? How does one get leads out of a smart list for processing for API?
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Re: getMultipleLeads and Smart Lists

Thanks Dmitry!

Here is the framework for a solution... assumes Smart List A and Static List X

Create a Batch Campaign (i.e. runs nightly) to remove all leads from Static List X to clear the Static List
The Campaign then adds every lead in Smart List A to Static List X.

Of course, testing is always recommeded 🙂