Has anyone integrated getfeedback survey app with Salesforce? We are thinking about purchasing getfeedback and have a few questions of how things will happen in Marketo.
Does the vendor have marketo integration instructions? They should be able to help you with this.
Hi Josh,
So to clarify the survey app integrates with Salesforce but we can send the survey link through Marketo in a mass email if we would like to. Also we should be able to sync the custom Salesforce Object we create to Marketo and use the new fitlers that creates to perform marketing automation. I don't believe they have documentation for the Marketo side of things. We just signed up for a trial and are going to test it that way.
Hi Nate,
I am facing the same situation. Were you able to find a solution to this? Would love to hear it.
Thank you!
1. If we create a custom object in salesforce that creates a new survey everytime a survey is sent which would allow Sales Reps to look into each survey send to a Lead or Contact. Regardless if it is a new survey or a survey that was resent, it creates a new survey. We were wondering how this works with Marketo?
We created a custom object that was added to the Lead and Contact page layouts. Creating a new survey is done inside of GetFeedback per survey.
2. Once we were to sync to that custom object through Marketo's sync options we are able to use filters for that object. Filters such as "Has Survey" equals true and you can add constraints which would be the fields from the survey. Each time a new survey question is added would it add a new field in salesforce and a new field to the constraint options in the Marketo filter?
Yes you will have a Has GetFeedback Survey Response Contact, Was Added to GetFeedback Response Contact, Not Was Added to GetFeedback Response Contact, GetFeedback Survey Response Lead, Was Added to GetFeedback Response Lead, and Not Was Added to GetFeedback Response Lead filters each with constraints of the all surveys questions, date related constraints, and a few more.
3. We want to be able to take action in Marketo off of any answer to any question in any survey. Is this possible?
Yes through the use of the filters outlined in question 2.
4. When sending the survey link through a Marketo email how does the Merge fields appended to the URL work? Especially with the LeadID and ContactID fields? Do those have to existing in Marketo to be able to be used in the link?
Yes the LeadID and ContactID fields need to be mapped to marketo. See attached for example URL. With a url such as this all those fields in the url are pulled into getfeedback response results which is nice for viewing inside of getfeedback. LeadID or ContactID is required I believe in order for Getfeedback to create a new survey record on the GetFeedback Survey Object in Salesforce.
I apologize I do not have much time to respond right no