Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

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Level 4

Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

I know this is probably a long shot from what I've read so far, but is it possible to customize the email that the friend receives after someone forwards it to them via the Fwd to a Friend pop-up form?  Would love for it to say something along the lines of "first name thought you would be interested in this email" above the email they receive.  Or has anyone thought of any hacks to achieve something like this?

Or being able to edit the actual Fwd to a Friend form would work too, such as the first example here where the person forwarding the email can add a personalized message:  Support | Campaign Monitor


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

You can in fact customize the look and feel of the Forward to Friend form:

You can also customize the way fields are passed to Marketo so you'll know that you're sending someone an email at somebody else's request and can add content accordingly.

In short, what you describe can indeed be done using a combo of Velocity and JavaScript.

View solution in original post

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

Hey Jennifer,

This is currently not available OOB. I agree that both the form and header above the forwarded email should be customizable. Would make this functionality actually usable as opposed to being all ghetto like it is.


Keith Nyberg

Level 4

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

"Being all ghetto like it is." hahah, I love it

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

Some existing ideas to improve Forward to Friend functionality:

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

You can in fact customize the look and feel of the Forward to Friend form:

You can also customize the way fields are passed to Marketo so you'll know that you're sending someone an email at somebody else's request and can add content accordingly.

In short, what you describe can indeed be done using a combo of Velocity and JavaScript.

Level 4

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

I think I'm going to need to study this velocity coding that I have never heard of before until you mentioned it!  I unfortunately know zero JavaScript   But hopefully when I get a chance soon, I can test out your code.  Thank you!

Level 8

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

Sanford Whiteman Thanks for sharing this blog article - this definitely helped me today. Thank you!

Tom Kerlin
Level 1

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

This is a a great solution that i've used many times, but as a multi-lingual company i'm wondering if it's possible to change the text found in the buttons. We send French-only emails and while i have all the other copy in the Forward to a Friend form in French, the buttons remain in English--as does the success message.


Looking at the code, the text for the buttons seems baked-in. Can it be changed?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

Sure, you could use Velocity to output different text based on the person's preferred language.
Level 1

Re: Fwd to a Friend - customizable?

Fortunately, the FtF pop-up doesn't have to change dynamically--the entire email is French so I've set the token up to be French as well. However, I'm wondering *how* to target the buttons. I don't see a variable to call. While I'm quite comfortable in HMTL and CSS, my JS skills are rudimentary (but I'm working to improve that!) and my Velocity knowledge is nill.