Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

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Level 5

Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Hi there,

Has anyone found a way of setting up a form and having a multiple choice question which allows the lead to choose a limited number of options? i.e. Here's a list of 10 things, choose three.

Any ideas how this could work?




Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Do you want it to do something special?

You can def do a set of checkboxes, but you may need to do more javascript if you want it to do 3 only. Use SurveyMonkey instead.

Level 5

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Depends what you mean by special

We do want to use the answers they choose in sales alerts and other campaigns, so I'd love to keep it within Marketo if possible.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Well, SM integration would keep it in Marketo, but it's expensive.

You would need a field for every single response in this case. You could do a multi select too I suppose, but I don't like using those in Marketo because it ends up as a single text with semi-colon separator. Gets messy.

You will still need javascript to control how many boxes they are allowed to check.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Search my recent posts -- too busy to do the search right now -- to see where someone asked about using independent checkboxes (i.e. indie lead fields) but having a minimum/maximum number of overall selections.  I demonstrated how to do this with a little JS.

Level 1

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Were you able to find a solution for this? We also have a similar requirement where we want users to only be able to select their top 3 choices from many options. Tried searching for Sanford Whiteman​s solution but no luck so far.

Any help would be really great.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

I can find it for you later.  To be clear about the UX, you want people to select 3 choices, but what happens if they try to click a 4th?  (Recommendation: you disable the remaining checkboxes then they have reached their max.)

Marketo Employee

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Does it allow them to uncheck a box and make a different selection?

Robb Barrett
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Of course!

I'd say the 2 interpretations of "maximum number of choices" are would be [a] disable remaining checkboxes if they have the max checked or [b] let them keep re-selecting past 3 and automatically unselect the -- first? last? -- one they checked.  [a] is less surprising behavior IMO.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Forms - selecting a limited number of options

Demo here: MktoForms2 :: Checkboxes Max Checked

Related (but not completely congruent) discussion here: