Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

Level 10

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

So glad I found this thread! Cathal and Atara's suggestion definitely worked.  Is there a way to move the check box to the left of the field label?  
Not applicable

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

Once you change the field to checkbox, this field will toggle the label from left to right.
Level 10

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

This is slightly different, but Cathal, you mentioned that "As for having a checkbox that sends a value when it’s not checked, that’s not the normal way that HTML checkboxes work.  When you submit a HTML form, a checkbox doesn’t send a value if it’s not checked (see" But it seems like this isn't correct, because if a box is unchecked we are returning values of "false".

Is it possible for an unchecked checkbox to be ignored by Marketo? We have a newsletter subscription option on our forms, but it's unsubscribing people if the box is unchecked upon submission.

Level 2

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

We're having a similar issue as Dory - I have a single checkbox on all webinar registration forms to encourage opt-in to our webinar invitations mailing list. If it's NOT checked, it posts a No back to Marketo, which overwrites a possible existing subscription in Marketo and SFDC. How so I stop the No post when the form is submitted with the checkbox empty?

Level 10

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

Hi Cheral, the workaround that I use for this is a field that's on the forms called "webinar opt-in form". When that box is checked, a triggered campaign makes our actual webinar opt-in field true. If the box is unchecked (ie, false), then the triggered campaign does nothing to the true subscription field.
Level 2

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

Great workaround, thanks for that Dory 🙂
Level 3

Re: Forms 2.0 - change checkboxes

I tried the workaround (putting the label in a rich text field), which worked fine for desktop, but on mobile it's wrapping. My customer is asking for me to make that stop. So I tried going back to the "normal" checkbox field, where the checkbox is on the right. Customer wants it back on the left. I tried making my fields "checkboxes," and using that "label to right" checkbox, but it has absolutely no effect on label positioning. Does anyone know how to make this work? And also, how to prevent the checkbox and label from ending up on different lines from each other on mobile devices (even when I do not use the rich text field workaround approach)?