Format "lead.Lead Owner Phone Number"

Level 2

Format "lead.Lead Owner Phone Number"

Hi There,

We are working to personalize our sales emails with the lead owner information.

Is there a way to format {{lead.Lead Owner Phone Number:default=edit me}} on the Marketo side so that it returns a standard phone number format?

As in currently, this is returning the phone number displayed as 4125555555 instead of (412) 555-5555 or 412-555-5555.


T Sparks

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Format "lead.Lead Owner Phone Number"

While you could use Velocity for this, the pattern matching is already mastered by Calling the Twilio Lookup API as a Marketo webhook and it's useful to have this be a permanent change to the field. Formatting-only lookups are not charged by Twilio.

Level 2

Re: Format "lead.Lead Owner Phone Number"

Thank you Sanford!

You always have the most amazing information and I do appreciate your assistance.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Format "lead.Lead Owner Phone Number"

Glad to help!