Re: Form Submissions

Not applicable

Form Submissions

I am new to Marketo, inheriting it from a former employee. I am simply trying to find where form submissions land in Marketo, where I can see all the different field information input by the registrant. Surely it lives in the database somewhere, I just cannot find where.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Form Submissions

Hi Victoria,

All forms live in either the Design Studio or Marketing Activities. If you navigate to the Design Studio and click on "Forms" (don't expand it), you'll see a list of all the forms in your instance (including in Marketing Activities).


If you edit the form, you can see on the main page the list of fields the form submissions are mapped to. When someone fills out a form, it will update these fields. To see a list of the leads who filled out any given form, create a smart list with the filter "Filled Out Form." Marketo doesn't keep track of web form submissions on its own anywhere besides each lead's Activity Log. When a lead submits a form, you will see "Filled Out Form" as an activity in the Activity Log. You will also see data value changes in the same time period referencing the fields included in the form submitted.

Typically, a solid practice is to create a program for tracking form submissions. Search your Marketing Activities section for web form programs. If there are not web form programs already in place, you might want to consider creating them.


Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Form Submissions

Hi Victoria,

You can also download the Landing Page Performance Report to see how many people filled out the forms in specific landing pages, and how many of them were new.

As Rachel mentioned, creating a smart list that uses the filter "Filled Out Form". You can then export the list to view all field values. You can also create a smart list subscription that will notify you of any new activity, allowing you to track conversions as they come through.

Level 2

Re: Form Submissions

Ok, so you are saying that you have no where to track the historical submissions?  Because if it is just a person report, wouldn't it only show the most recent values of those fields?

Level 4

Re: Form Submissions

Hi Victoria,

I don't think anyone has yet to answer what you are looking for so let me take a shot here. To me it sounds like you are used to seeing form data "collected" rather than "processed" - also it sounds like you are looking for both the *form* (as answered in another question) and the *data* as well.

If you're looking for a place where the form data is, you're not thinking marketo. The data ends up in the "Database" section of marketo but is not quite accessible immediately as the data is already added to the appropriate fields in the appropriate account.

In order to get some insights, you can create a Smartlist with the filter "Filled out Form" and the name of your form. There you will see the accounts which have submitted the form itself. The raw data output (which is what I am assuming you are looking for here) is not really available in the form I think you think it is (haha)

Level 2

Re: Form Submissions

Maybe I am misreading it, but some of your "not thinking marketo" rhetoric is a bit dismissive. 

I'm a new marketo user but have used many MA tools and am an expert at each.  A marketing technologist needs access not just to the most recent form values but also the values at the time of each submission.  You also want to see what was submitted in that specific form, especially in cases where fields are not required.    With multiple forms mapping to the same fields including hidden fields for tracking purposes, having a history of what those values were at the time of submission, is valuable data.   Also if someone submits a similar form multiple times with the same or different data you would want to be able to analyze that and keep that data.  The data needs to be not only processed but also collected. One or the other on their own is not enough for some advance MA techniques and analysis. 

Ultimately the data IS there.  Marketo can serve it up on a one off basis from the contact activity record, but does not allow you to see any of the history in an aggregate manner that is useful. I'm still not sure why they would not allow you to query that data.

Level 4

Re: Form Submissions

Jim McLemore wrote:

Maybe I am misreading it, but some of your "not thinking marketo" rhetoric is a bit dismissive.

I'm a new marketo user but have used many MA tools and am an expert at each. A marketing technologist needs access not just to the most recent form values but also the values at the time of each submission. You also want to see what was submitted in that specific form, especially in cases where fields are not required. With multiple forms mapping to the same fields including hidden fields for tracking purposes, having a history of what those values were at the time of submission, is valuable data. Also if someone submits a similar form multiple times with the same or different data you would want to be able to analyze that and keep that data. The data needs to be not only processed but also collected. One or the other on their own is not enough for some advance MA techniques and analysis.

Ultimately the data IS there. Marketo can serve it up on a one off basis from the contact activity record, but does not allow you to see any of the history in an aggregate manner that is useful. I'm still not sure why they would not allow you to query that data.

My apologies, I certainly didn't mean to be dismissive.

When I came into marketing automation my previous experience with database marketing existed in excel spreadsheets and Mailchimp (I had never had any MA/SF experience prior). When I first started using marketo I was trying to find raw data and similar items. My assumption was that OP was coming from this sort of experience, yet the replies seemed more focused very much on how marketo currently works. I wanted to provide just a different perspective to the other replies.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Submissions

Justin merely means that the OP isn't thinking in Marketo-speak, which is true. It's not an insult at all, in fact it can be a sign that someone is very expert in another platform but applying optimistic assumptions instead of learning Marketo's rules from the ground up.

Marketo can serve it up on a one off basis from the contact activity record, but does not allow you to see any of the history in an aggregate manner that is useful. I'm still not sure why they would not allow you to query that data.

Activities, generally speaking, just aren't first-class objects in the Marketo UI. This has always been the case (it doesn't just apply to Filled Out Form; though it is perhaps most notable there you'll find the same thing if you try to pivot by other activities, which are surfaced at the lead level but not aggregated).

If you want to get all of the Filled Out Form activities across your database, you can use the Bulk Export/Extract APIs, which hit the raw Activity table.

Not applicable

Re: Form Submissions

When someone submits a form, that activity is logged in the activity log on that persons profile in Marketo. So if you fill out a form, you can then go to your corresponding activity log an see what happens based upon that original form submission. This could be a quick way to see where certain things go.

Here's an example of how logged activity is tracked:


Level 1

Re: Form Submissions

Maybe this is what you're looking for.

You can create a smart list "Filled Out Form" and go to the People tab to change the View. Add in a new view where it has all the fields of the form your looking at. Then you'll see all the responses and are able to output that in excel.