Re: Form submission via API with an IP address in ipv6 format?

Level 2

Form submission via API with an IP address in ipv6 format?

Is there a way to submit a form via the rest API for an IP address in the IPv6 format? 
More precisely, we are struggling with the following:
We are using gravity forms + a webhook that calls the marketo lead API, namely:!/Leads...
Increasingly, form submissions don't come through because the IP address is not in the right format (IPv6 instead of IPv4, as is required by the API in the Visitor Data - leadClientIpAddress parameter).
We could clear the IP before submitting it to the API whenever we recognise the ipv6 format, but I'd prefer not to do that so that our inferred field data is not lost. Also, I don't believe this is future proof as IPv6 will become more used in the future. 
Anybody familiar with this problem and have a possible solution for us? All help much appreciated!
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form submission via API with an IP address in ipv6 format?

Clearly a bug and a quick workaround seems doubtful given that the db column may only be char(15). I’d open a support case.

Level 2

Re: Form submission via API with an IP address in ipv6 format?

Thanks Sanford. Unfortunately this is not a bug - see Marketo's answer below. We have now built a workaround where we clean the IP address if its in ipv6 before submitting. Obviously not a good solution, but the only one I see for now. Any other solutions much appreciated. 



Marketo support: 

"Unfortunately, I have confirmed that there is no way currently available for Marketo customers to provide configuration for IP v6 explicitly. Marketo doesn't accept IPv6. When you do a form submission with an IP address in IPv6 format, you can get errors, or the form submissions may not come through as it cannot qualify the IP address as a valid format. IPv6 support is not currently included on any roadmaps I have access to. So I would not anticipate it being released as a feature anytime soon. However, it may be incorporated in the long term. Unfortunately, there is no workaround as of now for this. Alternatively, I would like to suggest that despite the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses on the internet, it is still possible to record an IP for visitors to your website using the IPv6-to-IPv4 conversion method. You may find additional information about this conversion process at"