Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Level 3

Form submission alert creates new lead

I've got a form for updating certain data by the contact.  Not really sensitive data.  Just gives the person a chance to update a couple of minor pieces of information.

Thanks to help from people here (you know who you are) I was able to get the form working and triggering an alert.

However, the only information available on the alert seems to be merely the fields on the form.

When I check the results from the trigger campaign, it seems to be creating new leads, and the leads don't have any linking information to the regular record.

If I try to use a token such as  {{my.token:default=unknown}} for the contact or a contact token, it returns as blank, not even as "unknown"

If I use Email Address: {{lead.Email Address:default=unknown}}, it returns "unknown"

Looking in the database for the created lead, it's got only those fields from the form, even though the created date shows as back in June.

I'm guessing I could put in a hidden form field with the email address, but this seems like it's a security issue.  Anyone could update someone else's data that way.

It also seems like it shouldn't be necessary.

What am I doing wrong?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Can you share with us the page and smart campaign?

  • My Token doesn't have defaults and are run at the Program Level, so not sure what you are expecting.
  • If you tell a new person to fill out this form, then it will create a new Lead. How are you getting your existing people to this form?
    • is it set to prefill?
    • Is it displaying the data on the form page?
    • What Alert are you talking about?
    • what data are you asking for?
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Ditto Josh. You have to tell us what this "Form Submission Alert" is (that's not a Marketo term, or the closest Marketo term is a Send Alert on Filled Out Form activity, which has nothing to do with creating a new form).

Level 3

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

When the user clicks a button on the email, it goes to an Update Property landing page with a form. (a marketo landing page and form)

The form has a submit button.

I have another campaign with a trigger that hits on "user fills out form".  This sends an email alert to the sales owner.

When the alert is sent, only the lead data from the form is there, and only the data that the user selected.  If they didn't pick something, even if it defaulted, it's showing as blank on the alert.

None of the tokens from the contact shows.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Is the link mkt_tok-enized (does it end with the query param mkt_tok after being redirected)? And is the page running Munchkin?

If not, the form post will by definition create a new lead (there's nothing else to go on).

Level 3

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Sanford Whiteman wrote:

Is the link mkt_tok-enized (does it end with the query param mkt_tok after being redirected)? And is the page running Munchkin?

If not, the form post will by definition create a new lead (there's nothing else to go on).

The link on the landing page does show the mkt_tok value.  Munchkin?  Isn't that for non-marketo sites?  Do I need that?  The landing page and everything is on Marketo.

I don't really care if it creates the new lead. I'm just trying to get it to show the other data for the contact when the alert is triggered.

The hidden field idea I tried didn't work either.  The hidden field value isn't getting saved to the lead.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Munchkin is for all pages, not just 3rd-party, and it can be disabled for Marketo LPs (enabled by default).

You'll have to post your URL for further work on this.  I'm in the dark about what you could be doing with a basic, non-customized Forms 2.0 form to create fields that don't populate in accordance with the form descriptor (descriptor = Form Editor config).

Level 3

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Well, when I look at the html on the landing page, I do see some hidden fields and one of them is labeled Munchkin.  It's also loading the munchkin.js file.

The url is

Normally there are some query fields attached but those are just for the fields on the left, plus the mkt_tok as well.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

Yes, Munchkin is loading.

I'll inspect the form when I get back to my desk, but I can tell you right now that the code you're attempting to use to populate from query params is broken. You must not use DOM element values (nor jQuery element accessors) to set Marketo form values. Use only Marketo accessors (setValues) and only after the form is ready (whenReady). There is no guarantee that the elements will be ready otherwise (network and device conditions will cause different results).

Level 3

Re: Form submission alert creates new lead

The query fields aren't setting the form values.  They are setting some fields on the left, outside of the form.  That actually works.

It also isn't really relevant to the issue.  I'm trying to fix the third field, which returns either a 1 or a blank instead of a yes or no, and to get the alert (which is called when this form is submitted) to include the tokens from the contact.