Form Error Message: Automated form submissions not accepted.

Not applicable

Form Error Message: Automated form submissions not accepted.

I'm getting a strange blocking form error when I try to submit a form. It shows the standard marketo error text above the button: "Automated form submissions not accepted." Anyone ever see this error message before?

Is there a place I can look through Marketo's validation code and see what is going on? I'm filling out the form fields in the same way I would any other form and we've used this LP template without issue in the past.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Form Error Message: Automated form submissions not accepted.

Dillan Simmons​ You should move the question to Products  "Community" is for issues with the Marketo Nation (this website) itself -- and yes, this is confusing.

And you'll have to supply a link to the page hosting your form. It's not possible to troubleshoot from just a screenshot.