Hi Team,
We're late to the party, but we're finally looking at migrating to forms 2.0 across our site. Coming from our "old" way of deploying forms 1.0 as local assets in programs, I'm leaning towards building a standard set of forms as global assets in Design Studio, and embedding them into landing pages. That said, I have a question on tracking form submissions:
For a standardized "template" form that resides in Design Studio, how would I best track form submissions inside a given program? Which constraint should I use?
1) Trigger: Fills out form
Form Name IS - FORM-ContentRegistration
(Constraint) Referrer CONTAINS - /resources/pricing-sheet/
2) Trigger: Fills out form
Form Name IS - FORM-ContentRegistration
(Constraint) Web Page IS - www.company.com/resources/pricing-sheet/
Hi Eric,
2) Trigger: Fills out form
Form Name IS - FORM-ContentRegistration
(Constraint) Web Page IS - www.company.com/resources/pricing-sheet/
(where the web page is the Landing page in that program)
will work great.
Hope this helps
For an embedded form (as suggested by the "www" in www.company.com) the constraint is actually by Referrer, not Web Page.
Yes, always have a central set of Forms and prevent other people from cloning and modifying or creating their own. Data quality depends on it.
And this could be done with Forms 1.0, so it must have been whoever had your instance before.