Re: Flowstep skips my next waitstep and sends previous email instead

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Flowstep skips my next waitstep and sends previous email instead

We have a Default Program adding in Date specific wait steps to the flow of a Trigger campaign to hold leads until November, but some leads are exiting their existing flow step and being sent emails, instead of being held until November. To add insult to injury, the emails that they are receiving aren't even the next ones in the flow, they're the same emails they received prior to the additional wait step being added (weird behaviour)
In this example, John Doe had already received EM2 on 9th Sept so was therefore in Flow Step 10, and on the 16th Sept he should have exited Flow Step 10 and gone into 11, but instead bounced back to Flow Step 9 and got EM2 again? (Reason of having 2 waitsteps is that there was a change in send dates so we added a waitstep after the 1 week as leads were already in flow step 9/10)
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Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Flowstep skips my next waitstep and sends previous email instead

Hi @ezlife,


Skipping the wait step or jumping back to the previous step is not possible. I believe the campaign is allowing the lead to flow through it more than once. So, I would suggest you to review:

  • Campaign smart list criteria
  • Campaign qualification rules. 


You can select the option as per your requirement.

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Level 10

Re: Flowstep skips my next waitstep and sends previous email instead

"Bouncing back" to a previous Flow Step usually doesn't happen. At least, I have never seen it happening.


So I'd much rather assume that your Smart Campaign was in a different state once, and probably somebody shuffeled Flow Steps around, so your example person was in fact in some other wait so that they received that email again.


Or that person has entered that flow again? Can they run through the this Smart Campaign again and could your trigger/filter make that possible?

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Flowstep skips my next waitstep and sends previous email instead

Hi @ezlife,


Skipping the wait step or jumping back to the previous step is not possible. I believe the campaign is allowing the lead to flow through it more than once. So, I would suggest you to review:

  • Campaign smart list criteria
  • Campaign qualification rules. 


You can select the option as per your requirement.