Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?

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Level 2

Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?


I have a use case where I am not sure how to follow, will try to summarize:

We have an internal system where customers can login and send themselves a packing slip (or other documents). It creates a custom object record in Marketo and triggers an email where link is populated via a velocity script (from the custom object). 


However when we started to do stress testing the platform UI allows to send multiple requests relatively quickly. Consequently creates custom objects within almost the same time, however trigger campaigns are a bit delayed. = you clicked for yourself 3 packing slips, will get 3 emails => latest link is populated instead of 3 different links. 


I am relatively new to velocity scripting. Is there a way to write down (other token) info about "used" records?

Is there a way to "mark" or "flag" processed requests? For example flagging the object which was used and then ignore it when email is populated? Webhook will be slow too...

I cannot think of any other approach but might 


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?

Well, you can use the $TriggerObject to reference the record in the velocity that triggered off the smart campaign, check out this doc. This'll let you focus on the record in the velocity, i.e., reference data in the record using velocity that has trigerred off the smart campaign.


Also, if you're not already using, I'd suggest using Added to CO as trigger in your SC.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?

Well, you can use the $TriggerObject to reference the record in the velocity that triggered off the smart campaign, check out this doc. This'll let you focus on the record in the velocity, i.e., reference data in the record using velocity that has trigerred off the smart campaign.


Also, if you're not already using, I'd suggest using Added to CO as trigger in your SC.


Level 2

Re: Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?

Hi Darshil,

Thank you so much, that was exactly what I need, didn't even know this trigger exists.

We just tested it and works as expected + I was able to simplify the code. 

Thanks again.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Flagging used Custom Objects record from Marketo?

Awesome, you're very welcome! Glad that I could help. 🙂