Re: Fill My Tokens in an email with a CSV upload

Level 1

Fill My Tokens in an email with a CSV upload

I've got some emails I send regularly that take a lot of time to set up. Simply put, each email is a list of 10 Headline/paragraph combos and each week, I have to copy and paste this text from a new spreadsheet into the headlines and paragraphs. What I would like to do is automate this process using tokens or something similar.

Ideally, I'd like to take a CSV which contains the headlines and paragraphs, upload that to Marketo, and then have it autofill an email template that has a token for each headline and paragraph. I've been looking at the documentation on tokens and I can't find anything like what I'm describing. Does anybody know of a way to do something like what I'm describing here?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fill My Tokens in an email with a CSV upload

CSV, no. But JSON, sure! You can populate a Velocity {{my.token}} with a JSON array* of your content, parse it using another Velocity token, and output it anywhere you want.

Alternately, and this is a stretch, you could use a shared Custom Object which would allow you to use a CSV to update it. However, this would require you to create junction objects for every newly created lead. Wouldn't be my move.



*ArrayList, technically