We have multi-step forms and online applications (think mortgage loan application; or online college entry application in our case) that require several pieces of information including "highest level of education completed", prior jobs (i.e. title, company name, start & end date), and skills. It is common practice on job sites like Indeed.com to allow users to pre-populate a job application using a person's Linkedin profile simply by using Linkedin credentials.
Does Marketo provide functionality that allows dropping a button on a form so a web visitor can populate a form using their linkedin data? Attached document outlines the desired process/functionality we're looking for. Ideally, we could use the Marketo functionality on our own forms and would not require using Marketo to host the forms, given the complexity of them (i.e. "save draft application for later", and multi-step forms).
Instead of potentially using a widget provided by a 3rd party like this one for WordPress, we would prefer to use out of box integration from Marketo to Linkedin if possible.
Thank you
There is a native social login that you can enable on the Forms 2.0 editor. However, it is very limited and would not meet your needs.
I suggest getting a developer to use the LinkedIn API and Marketo API to do what you want. there are probably a ton of coders who can do this for you.
Thanks Josh for the quick response! While development could be done to integrate with the Linkedin API, we have encountered challenges in getting approval from Linkedin to give full profile access via API. Very few websites have the functionality. I am speaking to Cornell University about their prior experience with "fill in with linkedin", though they have since turned it off.
The challenge is not so much with development as it is with their desire to limit who has access. I would hope that a 3rd party has created a product (to minimize cost of ownership with custom software/integrations) to expedite the integration process.
if anyone has experience with this, would be happy to hear feedback and discuss further. Thanks