Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

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Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

How do we fetch the list of Programs which are associated with a Folder?

Tags (2)
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

This is an explicit filter type for the Programs API. Are you reading the docs?

Not applicable

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

Hi Stanford, as per API description for Programs, we can query based on Name,ID,tag and browsing based on filter. I am not able to fetch the list of programs based on Folder Name of Id. Please let me know if i am missing anything here.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

... and what are those filter types again?

Not applicable

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

Regarding Program Browsing, filter only applies to Engagement and Email programs.  The possible values are “on” and “off” for Engagement programs, and “unlocked” for Email programs. So, where do we mention the Folder Name or Id?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder


Not applicable

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

I tried fetching programs with below url :


But in response, i am seeing the programs associated with different folderId as well like below :


      "id": 1444,

      "name": "0 - Empowered Retail Nurture",

      "description": "",

      "createdAt": "2015-11-16T22:41:44Z+0000",

      "updatedAt": "2015-11-16T22:50:11Z+0000",

      "url": "https://app-ab11.marketo.com/#NP1444A1",

      "type": "Engagement",

      "channel": "Nurture",

      "folder": {

        "type": "Folder",

        "value": 1129,

        "folderName": "Empowered by Digital - Retail"


      "status": "on",

      "workspace": "2nd Workspace"


Please let me know what param i am missing here?

Thanks in Advance

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

I gave you the param and you didn't include it.

Not applicable

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

Level 2

Re: Fetch all Programs inside a Folder

May I hijack the thread and dive deeper?

what if


returns more than 200 records?

how do i fetch all the records?

campaigns.json have "nextpagetoken" in the result and it is possible to iterate over that.

I have a feeling that for programs "offset" parameter might do the trick, but can't really figure out how to properly use it.

Please somebody post an example.