Fetch all custom fields in Marketo using ReST API

Not applicable

Fetch all custom fields in Marketo using ReST API

Hi masters,

1. How to fetch all custom fields in Marketo using ReST API

using /rest/v1/lists.json

it will return only 5 fields:


         "name":"List Name",

         "description" : "desc",

         "programName" : "ProgramName",

         "createdAt": "2014-03-26T17:29:14+0000",

         "updatedAt": "2014-03-26T18:04:10+0000"

2. I want to update custom field how would I know the exact name?

where can I get the correct myCustomField name?

using /rest/v1/leads.json

you supply the parameter like:










Not applicable

Re: Fetch all custom fields in Marketo using ReST API

Neil Bautista​ I moved this to Products and Support​ where you will probably get a response sooner. Thanks!

Marketo Employee

Re: Fetch all custom fields in Marketo using ReST API

Hi Neil,

The endpoint you're using is to retrieve multiple lists, not to retrieve a list of custom fields.  Get Multiple Lists » Marketo Developers   If you need to get the API names of your custom fields, you can do so via the Field Management section of Marketo Admin Export a List of All Marketo API Field Names - Marketo Docs - Product Docs