Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Level 2

Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Dear Experts,

I have done a survey using a form on a marketo landing page.

When I download the results, some of them do not appear in the Excel file... see image of field type attached. However I can see them in Marketo. Please note I edit the Default View to make the right columns to appear when I export the list. 

I also notice that when the text is too long or separated by commas, and the repondant has commas in its text, it creates another lign in Excel... any tips to prevent that??

Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Please paste images inline (with your post text). Not all Nation users can see attachments, which makes them very confusing.

Level 2

Re: Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Here it is : 


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Please attach -- in this case you do have to attach, since it's not an image -- an exported CSV (don't use "CSV (Excel)" but just "CSV") including this column and illustrating the lost data.

Level 2

Re: Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

Hi, it's actually an image : a screenshot of the Properties of the fields used in the survey. But actually I think the issue is because of some punctuation inserted in the answer : if you can see the image below, you can see that there is this ";" before the answer. When this occurs, I don't see the answer in the Excel file exported.... maybe a bug ? 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Extract answers to a survey done with Marketo

I was asking you to attach the CSV that you say is unreadable.  Use "CSV", not "CSV (Excel)".