Re: Exporting Marketo Program Token values to Excel

Level 2

Exporting Marketo Program Token values to Excel

I want to export Marketo Program Tokens values to Excel Sheet. Is it possible? If yes, how?

Neha Verma
Level 3

Re: Exporting Marketo Program Token values to Excel

You can do that using the REST API:

First use getFolders​ to retrieve all the folders and programs you have in your instance.

Then use getTokensByFolderId​ to query all the tokens under each one of these folders/programs- the name, type and value.!/Folders/getFol...

Level 2

Re: Exporting Marketo Program Token values to Excel

Thanks Yanir!

But I want to export link for one program in one time not for all the program. Will it be possible?

And I want to export Token value for 2 specific token.

Apart from that using REST API need which level access to perform above explained activity?

Neha Verma
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Exporting Marketo Program Token values to Excel

You have to get the Program ID once, which you can do with the getByName endpoint instead of crawling. (Despite the ID's seeming presence in the URL, we have found this is not 100% reliable and no longer use it.)

API user needs Read-only Programs.