Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Level 4

Exporting list of landing pages and forms


Is there a way to export a list of all landing pages and forms that have been created? I can view the list in Design Studio, but there is no export button.

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Level 10

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Hi Natali,

There's no export "button' as such to extract the list. However, you can simply copy the list you view and paste in excel spreadsheet to view the list separately, and save it.

Hope this helps!
Level 4

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Hi Alok,

I did try that initially but it won't even let me copy the list. I would need to go to each landing page one by one and copy it that way. I have almost 500 so you can see why it's not feasible.
Level 10

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Hi Natali

I just tried this for my Marketo account. Expand all the landing pages and forms in your Design Studio. Once the whole list is there, simple do Select All (ctrl+A in Win / cmd+A in Mac) and paste that in the notepad. Now from your notepad, paste this in Excel doc. Here, you have have to remove extra rows and columns.
This is the only solution that we presently have in Marketo to get the listof assets/lists/programs.

Level 4

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Thanks for helping but that's not working either. Selecting all selects everything on my screen, but when I copy and paste the only thing that gets copied over are the 4 main tabs and the Marketo copyright text.

I'm just going to assume there is no way to do it and leave it at that. Thanks for all your help.

For Marketo - can this please be a feature? It would be extremely handy to be able to export a list of all assets.

Not applicable

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Hi Natali,

I was just looking at doing this myself, and found a way to pull the data. You can go to the Analytics section and pull a "Landing Page Report". Make the timeframe "All time" in the Setup tab. When you go to the Report tab, you wil be able to export with all landing page names and their performance.

Hope this helps and isn't too late for your needs!

Level 4

Re: Exporting list of landing pages and forms

Hi Jackie,

Thanks for that - I was able to export a list of our landing pages. No links unfortunately, but it's better than nothing! Now if only we could do the same for files and images!

Thanks for your help.
