Events/Conversions from UA not working as expected in GA4

Level 2

Events/Conversions from UA not working as expected in GA4

We have conversions that have been set up and tracking in Universal Analytics for years, and now after the GA4 migration are no longer working.


I can see the Marketo Form Listener & Marketo Successful Submit tags being fired when they are supposed to be, so it seems like things on the GTM side are working as expected.

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 5.17.46 PM.png


Here is the event in GA4:

 Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 5.11.23 PM.png


Any ideas why this event will not fire? Again, same exact setup as UA, but in GA4 will not work...

Level 2

Re: Events/Conversions from UA not working as expected in GA4

I know this is orthogonal to the question, but after the debacle that is GA4, where it looks like Google only cares about helping you with stats around paid search campaigns, we made the switch to Matomo cloud. Alas, there are no native integrations but we're investigating zapier and other methods to integrate.


Not pitching that product specifically. There are plenty of other options out there.

Past the point of no return.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Events/Conversions from UA not working as expected in GA4

Alas, there are no native integrations but we're investigating zapier and other methods to integrate.

To integrate what exactly?


You don’t need back-end work to send Matomo events corresponding to Marketo form events. Just as you wouldn’t with GA3/4, Clicky, etc.