Hi Marketo Community!
I'm trying to set up Google Analytics event tracking for successful Form Submissions. I tried finding a few different articles on the web and unfortunately I can't get it to properly work. The latest set up I tried is a tag & trigger in Google Tag Manager. Could you help me set this up correctly?
*Tag setup*
Tracking ID: ours
Track Type: Event
Category: marketo
Action: form-fill
Label: {{Page URL}}
*Trigger setup*
Clicks - Just Links
Click Classes equals mktoButton
Page URL matches RegEx (ignore case) pages.na.industrial.panasonic.com/
Here is the page I'm working with at the moment: http://pages.na.industrial.panasonic.com/Grid-EYE-Landing-Page-lella-test.html
Any and all help troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Definitely wouldn't try to capture the button click. Not only because that event won't bubble into GA by default, but because if it did work, you would register a conversion even if the lead didn't enter any valid data! (A submit button click doesn't == form submit.)
If you move the question to Products ("Central" is for general mktg questions, not product-specific ones) we'll continue there and I'll tell you where to track the conversion.
Hi Steve - did you ever find a solution? I didn't see you re-post to Products. I wish @SanfordWhiteman could have told you where to track the conversion when responding with his last post. I'm experiencing the same road block and looking for clarity
Why don't you open a thread in Products?