Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

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Level 8

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Greg/David,

I have tried all the suggested ways. Here it is showing in my instance:


I am getting only three entries as shown in first image in previous comment

Harish Gupta
Level 10

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

The basic entry is not the one you want to go for. You need the event entry in the scheduler.

also, please provide us a screenshot of the channel definition.


Level 8

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Grey,

Yes, i need event but I am not getting the same option while scheduling. Please check the screen shot in previous comments.


Harish Gupta
Level 10

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Sorry, but the screenshots in the previous comment do not show how you channel is set up (from the admin -> tags, then selecting the channel.

If you do not provide us with the screenshots we ask, we cannot help you trying to guess what is wrong.

I need a screenshot of the event summary and another of the definition of the channel you are using. I would bet your are using a webinar event, hence the absence of the event scheduling.


Level 8

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Greg,

Attached are the screen shot of complete structure:






Harish Gupta
Level 4

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

One thing you might want to check is if you have another channel set up for mobile check ins. I recall running into an issue where I had one channel using it and then was trying to set up another, but it caused some issues.

Level 10

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Dave,

We have 3 such channels and I just tested, it works fine.


Level 4

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Good to know, Gregoire.

That definitely caused a problem for us a while back, but it might have been because it involved a hidden channel we were no longer using. I believe what I did to resolve it was remove any mobile check in statuses on that hidden channel which then enabled me to successfully use the app for events in my main events channel with the mobile check in statuses set.

Level 10

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Harrish,

The order of the mobile registrations steps is not correct. "Attended" is a lower number than "registered". I do not if this can cause the issue, but I would start fixing it, though. The way the mobile app is that people register and when thy show up, you mark them as attended. It's not adapted to capturing unregistered visitors on a tradeshow booth. For this use case, we prefer to create an untracked landing page with a form that people fill out on the booth on any device.

Also, you do NOT need to create an entry in the calendar. The "event" entry automatically shows up when you look at the "schedule" view  of the program.


Level 8

Re: Event scheduler in Marketo

Hi Greg,

I corrected the status step also but still no luck . Please suggest.


Harish Gupta