Re: Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options

Not applicable

Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options


I am looking to create an event registration page that contains multiple session options (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc). What is the best way in setting this up without having to create a custom field with multiple values?

Level 9

Re: Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options

Can you elaborate on this some more?

Will the end users have the ability to pick a date from the list or will the date be predetermined based on the current date so that the next available date is automatically selected?

My gut feeling is that you'll have to create a custom field to make it work.


Not applicable

Re: Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options

We'd like the end user to be able to pick a date from the available options. I think you are right... Custom Field it is. Thanks!

Level 9

Re: Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options

I second that, we do this quite often for in-person events. Using a custom field to allow the contact to select the date or location in a dropdown on the form.

Level 9

Re: Event Registration Page with Multiple Date Options

No worries, all the best. Let us know if you need anything else.