Re: Engagement Program Cadence

Not applicable

Engagement Program Cadence

Is there any way that I can set up an engagement program to where a lead is added to the program and then receives emails at a set cadence that is based solely on when the lead was added. I'm asking if it can be set up to run like this:

  1. A lead (John Smith) is added to the program on a Thursday
  2. John Smith will receive each email in the stream every two weeks starting on that Thursday that he was added
  3. A second lead (Jack Johnson) is added the following Monday
  4. Jack Johnson will receive each email in the stream every two weeks starting on that Monday
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Engagement Program Cadence


You should move this question to Products​ for a faster response.

Engagement stream cadence is not set up for this since the cadence is a specific time, regardless of when leads enter. But you can accomplish this by using a smart campaign to send the emails instead. That way the flow can be triggered at different times depending on each lead and the date they qualified.

Not applicable

Re: Engagement Program Cadence

Thanks for your help and suggestion, Devraj.

Not applicable

Re: Engagement Program Cadence

My options as of now are to

  1. Create a smart campaign with a flow that is triggered depending on when each lead qualifies, or
  2. Create an engagement program and just go with how the cadence is set up to send every two weeks at a specific time and day of the week regardless of when a lead qualifies

Is there anything else that I am not thinking of?