Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Level 1

Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Hi there, 
I'm using an engagement program to build lead nurturing in Marketo.
In this program, I only have one stream with currently 2 emails ready (sent bi-weekly).
The goal is to have one stream with 10-12 emails but, I would like to know if it's feasible to go live already with these 2 emails and add more emails along the way (respecting the bi-weekly sending deadline). 
Thank you for your precious advice,
Kind regards,

Level 3

Re: Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Hi Sophie,


You can definitely go live with only 2 emails and add in as new emails become ready.


How fast (or slow) will you be adding the new emails? I think that would be the main thing to consider here. If you go live with the 2 emails and then wait months to add new emails in, the time gap between emails sent will be pretty large and could affect the experience you want them to have. If you're going to be steadily adding them in every week or so, that would probably be the best way to do it if you're able to (until you reach your final goal of 10-12 emails in the stream).

Level 1

Re: Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Thank you so much for your quick answer @marypaine!!

Yes, agree on your comment. I will add a new email every week, to make sure they receive one email every 2 weeks 📧



Level 8 - Community Advisor

Re: Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Hi @SophieGast ,

Just to add, when ever you put new content in your stream make sure to reconfirm on the relevance of the content added. 

Since you are having 2 streams, you will be transiting your leads between the streams based on their interaction with your content, so when adding a new content in your stream 1 make sure its more inclined towards pushing your leads to perform specific actions so you can transit them to next level in stream 2.


Also, be sure on where you want the new content to be added, as all new leads becoming the member on the stream will start receiving from the 1st content in the stream so the order in which you add your content will also be very crucial in achieving your Nurture target.

Level 1

Re: Engagement program - adding an email to a live stream

Hi @uditmathur ,

Good point, I'll keep this in mind!!

Thank you so much for the advice 🙏