I have a marketo form embeded on a non marketo landing page with the thank you page as External URL. However once the submit form is clicked nothing seems to happen. I tried a code I found on a separate ticket and now an black page opens. Any help with this?
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
form.onSubmit(function(form) {
thankYouWindow = window.open('');
form.onSuccess(function(vals, thankYouURL) {
thankYouWindow.document.location =
formEl.innerHTML = 'Thank you! Your NATSPEC branded worksection has opened in a new window.';
return false;
Please highlight your code using the Syntax Highlighter so it's readable.
And provide your URL - need to see what else is going on on your page.
This is external page with the form - https://www.rondo.com.au/resources/design/natspec-branded-worksections/
<script src="//app-sn02.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"></script><link itemprop="stylesheet" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://go.rondo.com.au/rs/653-INQ-695/images/rondo-mktoForm-styles.css"/><form class="whiteform" id="mktoForm_1764"></form><script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-sn02.marketo.com", "653-INQ-695", 1764); MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) {
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
form.onSubmit(function(form) {
thankYouWindow = window.open('');
form.onSuccess(function(vals, thankYouURL) {
thankYouWindow.document.location =
formEl.innerHTML = 'Thank you! Your NATSPEC branded worksection has opened in a new window.';
return false;
}); </script>
You have 2 different whenReady listeners in the stack. It's not just the one you're showing here. Remove the other one that starts on L#128:
thank you!
Got it working however - how do I get the success massage to show on the form which is located on the LHS side bar? That was the extra Whenready code
Your whenReady listener needs to take different action depending on the form ID for which it's executed.
For example:
var formId = form.getId();
case 1234:
// whatever you want to do for form 1234
case 4567:
// whatever you want to do for form 4567
case 9999:
case 10000:
// whatever you want to do for forms 9999 and 10000