Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

Level 2

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

Yea, I am probably going to go with them. Thanks for your help!

Not applicable

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

One option that I've done before is to just add the Marketo form to the Wordpress page via an iframe. It's not an ideal solution, but it allows you to still leverage the prefill functionality without any of the security concerns.

Level 2

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

Hmmm. I read that is not a good idea. Ugh, why is Marketo such a pain with this stuff. Thanks for your help though!

Not applicable

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

I posted a similar response in this thread: Prefill forms on external pages help

And Sanford Whiteman​ seemed to agree that it was a reasonable solution that is more secure.

Level 10

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

The Iframe is indeed much more secure since all the important code is included in a Marketo LP. The issues with iframe are different:

  • slower page load
  • double page visit in Marketo activity logs (in case you use page visits in scoring, pay attention)
  • very difficult to make it responsive
  • not ideal when it comes to SEO


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

  • double page visit in Marketo activity logs (in case you use page visits in scoring, pay attention)

If you disable Munchkin on the inner LP (which is the right way to embed) this won't happen.

  • slower page load

Not really. A standard Marketo embedded form loads the form descriptor asynchronously, and if you're using an out-of-band Pre-Fill service, the additional info is also loaded asynchronously (not to mention waiting for the Marketo API, which can take a few seconds in its own right even when it isn't overwhelmed). All this must complete before the form can be used.

In contrast, while the IFRAME itself loads asynchronously, everything inside it (Pre-Fill and form descriptor) is inline.

There is actually less network overhead with an IFRAME, surprisingly.

The enduring problem with embedding a form in an IFRAME is styling/responsiveness.

Level 10

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

HI Sanford,

Question : If you disable munchkin on the inner LP, will you still benefit from the prefill and/or the Progressive Profiling ?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

Yes, you're disabling the Munchkin library so you don't log a duplicate Visit Web Page.

You're not disabling the existing Munchkin cookie, which will still be sent to Marketo.

Level 10

Re: Embedding Marketo forms on Wordpress

OK, makes sense.
